Learning Resources

Floodplain creation and protection is the single-most important aspect to a healthy functioning stream and watershed system.  Many approaches exist for achieving this goal that range in cost and engineering expertise.  The application of each approach depends on a detailed site-specific analysis of the system under consideration.

A variety of tools exist to assist us in understanding and evaluating stream systems.  The tools provided here primarily are diagnostic and planning tools.  They will not provide sufficient information to develop detailed engineering designs.  

The STREAM spreadsheet tools were developed by and in collaboration with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Soil and Water Conservation (ODNR-DSWC) and can be found on ODNR's Stream Morphology website: Stream Morphology.

The tools can be used for any educational or research purpose provided the source of the tool is cited and the copyright privileges of author(s) is(are) not violated.  Modification, redistribution or sale of the tools, including inclusion of any part of the tool in user interfaces or manuals, is strictly prohibited.

The expectation is that: (1) the spreadsheets will be used to aid in the diagnosis of fluvial processes in wadable streams; and (2) the user(s) of these tools have adequate knowledge of hydrology, hydraulics, and geomorphology.